Dear Arcadia Residents,
Once again as we face a new year, I wish I would like to thank you all for your on-going support for the ARRA Committee’s efforts. 2018 was indeed a very busy year again for the committee, and 2019 promises to be the same. My special word of thanks and appreciation to the ARRA Committee.
I would like to remind all ARRA members that it is the time for renewal of your membership of ARRA. Please do as soon as possible. We do rely on these funds as well as your support as a community.
Perhaps the major challenge in 2019 is still the issue of illegal land use and of poor by-law enforcement by City of Tshwane. We were indeed hopeful that a new regime in Tshwane would lead to some positive changes, but those wheels certainly turn extremely slowly. We continue to be vigilant and meticulous in reporting illegal usage, and have built up accurate and at times extensive case files on these properties. Please report any related concerns you may have to ARRA. We also continuously engage with the officials at the council as well as councillors and MMC’s, to demonstrate our willingness to work with the relevant authorities in order to resolve problems that affect us in Arcadia.
In terms of crime and security, ARRA continues to work closely with Quatro in providing the area-based response service to members and the initiative is working very well. With a very few exceptions (petty thefts of dustbins, post boxes and water meters) we had a relatively trouble free festive season. All residents are urged to remain vigilant. We rely on your active support in fighting crime in Arcadia. ARRA is firmly persuaded that the arrangement with Quattro is working well and we urge all residents to join the security scheme.
The recycling scheme in the area is also working well and kerb-side collection is now regular and reliable. Please support this green initiative every Friday morning and help to make it a more feasible and valuable service in going forward.
There is much still to be done in 2019 and many challenges to be confronted and resolved. Possible good news is that the heritage status of the Union Buildings will be investigated. Any upgrade in terms of heritage must have a positive knock-on effect on Arcadia. This and other initiatives will require us as a community to stand together and to commit to investing in our future by protecting our suburb, our properties (in terms of security and value) and by defending our heritage. What we have is hard-earned .
The committee wishes you and your family a very pleasant and safe 2019.
Kind regards,
Linda Tyrrell
ARRA Chair