Cleaner and more beautiful city
Arcadia Residents and Ratepayers’ Association (ARRA) Newsletter.
Contribution by Councillor Clive Napier
Two documents are currently being circulated (October 2019) for comment namely a draft by-law on ‘Air Quality’ and a policy for an ‘Adopt- a-Spot Programme’. Both documents will probably only be finalised at the end of January 2020.
Just a brief insight into the contents of both. The ‘Air Quality’ draft by-law aims to contribute to a clean and green city and alleviate climate change. It aims to limit amongst other emissions, motor vehicle emissions, stack emissions, fuel burning and the unlawful burning of tyre, plastic, rubber products and waste.
The draft by-law prohibits open burning of any material on any land or premises without the prior authorisation of the municipality. Open burning may be permitted in a specific public open space within a dedicated area allocated for recreational fires such as picnic areas equipped with braai facilities. Personal braai equipment may be permitted in such areas.
Recreational outdoor activities on private properties where fires are controlled for cooking, heating and other domestic purposes are permitted. The by-law therefore does not prohibit the traditional South African ‘braai’ on private property or in a designated area!
Regarding the enforcement of the provisions of the by-law, it is to be enforced by authorised persons who may remove and impound goods and items which are in contravention of the by-law. Persons breaking the provisions of the by-law will be guilty of an offence and may be liable to a fine or both a fine and imprisonment.
The ‘Adopt-a-Spot Programme’ policy document provides for an individual or a stake holder to apply to the Tshwane Environmental and Agriculture Management Department to adopt a piece of undeveloped municipal property – to clean it up or to beautify it. Such a piece of property could be a road reserve, an open municipal owned stand or a street corner. The property would remain under the ownership of the municipality and may not be re-zoned for any other uses besides that for which it is currently zoned. The description and duration of the proposed project on the spot adopted, would need to be set out in an official application form and would have to be approved by three municipal departments, Property, Economic Development and Spatial Planning, and Agriculture and Environmental Management before approval.
The ‘Air Quality’ by-law and ‘Adopt a Spot Programme’ are progressive initiatives on the part of the municipality and once implemented will contribute to a cleaner and more beautiful city!